Latest Insights on App Development for Your Business-Innofied
  • 6 reasons to develop a business app for your company

    Why a business app? With the constantly increasing popularity of smartphones and tablets, demand for mobile apps is on a rise. There can be many reasons for businesses to develop mobile apps and generate a smarter business model. Let us look at key points in a business app that can help your business grow in…

  • Implementing Image Masking in iOS

    Image masking is a great feature, when you need to draw images in dynamic shapes. It creates an attractive and appealing UI to capture the interests of users. In general, image masking can be defined as cutting an image out of it’s stencil. This is what the Apple Documentation has to say about image masks…

  • Top 12 Travel App Development Features to Boost Your Sales

    [vc_row]Updated on Aug 7, 2019 [vc_column][vc_column_text][bctt tweet=”28% people spends time on travel apps. Travel app development is on toes.” username=””] Are you yet away from travel app development? Well, we have some serious stories to tell, when it comes to your travel business. Say an avid traveler is planning a holiday in Hawaii during the…

  • Expert Speak: Is PR necessary for mobile startups?

    On the 3rd installment of our ‘Expert Speak’ series we are going to discuss the importance of PR in shaping the future of mobile startups. To do so, we have interviewed Conrad Egusa, CEO of Publicize (a unique PR platform for startups) and a renowned journalist. Without further delay, let us take a look at what he has to…

  • Here is why you should consider e-learning now!

    Why e-learning? In my last article “Things to keep in mind while developing e-learning apps in India”, we discussed major factors that every mobile app development company should follow. As e-learning is yet to be accepted as a mainstream concept in India, it’s logic is still unclear to most. When recommending e-learning to kids, or…

  • Creating Old Style Message Bubble With Swift

    In present times chat applications have achieved the most popular category of apps, being installed by most smartphone users. Consequently, it has also marked the end of the SMS era. People have developed the habit of typing on highly popular Chat Applications like WhatsApp, WeChat, Line, Viber, Messenger, iMessage and send a quick message. Most…

  • Expert Speak: What is the right formula to achieve better user engagement for mobile apps?

    In our second article for Expert Speak, we will try to find better ways of engaging our mobile audiences. We will be discussing the said topic with Sanket Nadhani, Head of Product and Marketing at Upquire, a fresh new platform trying to create a spam free user engagement for mobile app developers. Swarnendu: First, let…

  • Working with Sqlite Database reader in iOS

    When it comes to iOS development, almost everyone is familiar with the term Core Data. Being an essential storage mechanism for sensitive data, everyone needs to know how to work with it, whether it comes to storing, filtering, searching or deleting the information. But there are times when you want to actually see the data…

  • Implement location tracking using MapKit in Swift

    Location-based services have always looked like a very cool feature to me. Showing the user their covered or targeted location and route made the process of moving around so much better. In this blog, we will try to implement MapKit, a very simple and easy framework provided by Apple, to work upon with map and…

  • An Introduction to Material Design Part – I

    When Google announced Material Design I felt curious about it as a designer. I wanted to learn more after hearing about it causing splashes in the Design community and far beyond. After a deep study I felt that even though Material Design was not a new concept at that time, it still holds the immense popularity among designers as it did on…