5 Ways Healthcare Mobile App Development Companies Offer Better Care
Updated on SEP 8, 2017 Need to rush an elder at home during a minor heart attack, though panic-stricken, a smartphone saves your day – Thanks to those countless healthcare mobile app development companies. A click on an Emergency Ambulance App and in few minutes’ a medical van arrives at your door. You arrive at…
Be The Next Uber – 21 Brilliant Startup Ideas For On Demand App Development
Updated on February 28, 2020 You’ve been working hard the entire week. The beauty regimen you followed has gone for a toss and there ain’t no time to visit the gym for slimming your waistline. The crazy traffic when you return has left you with no time for laundry! Phew! There’s a lot to do.…
3 Out Of 5 Startup App Ideas Fail To Reach The Mark- What Is The Possible Reason?
There are contrasting views when we talk on ‘how to make your startup grow and flourish’. All startupreneurs and small business owners want to know what has worked for startup giants like Uber, Airbnb, Snapchat, Xiaomi etc. and ignore what hasn’t. But the way a majority of startups use their knowledge about success is pretty…
Top 10 Website Development Best Practices for Newbies & Pro
I started to nurture the basics associated with website development from scratch to live since 2016. Any guesses about what I found? Well, my study is vast. You may think composing this blog on website development best practices was an easy task. Umm, No! It was not an easy task to build a quality website…
Expert Speak – 2017’s Best Growth Hacking Techniques for Startups from Sam Hurley
Growth hacking techniques, does it sound alien to you? Umm…Confused! Let us clear the air of doubt quickly with our latest blog. When we start a business it is easy to feel overwhelmed at one shot. However, with the coming of the digital age, Internet changed the entire marketing landscape by tenfold. This indeed has…
Innofied’s 5th Foundation Day – A Walkthrough
Five long years and the journey was not so easy, but Innofied made it. 31st January was Innofied’s Foundation Day. With a global presence in Dubai, South-East Asia and the US, two R&D centers across India and a business development in California we just nailed it. Just like every year, we celebrated the day with great…
Innofied Helps Tribecca Care in Healthcare Application Development
India is the second most in terms of elderly population and raising concerns when it comes to addressing the health issues of the senior citizens. Along with this, the poor infrastructure and nursing services adds more pains. The pain doubles if the elders don’t have anyone to take care of them. The rapid urbanization has…
Validate Startup Idea – Meet Swarnendu De of Innofied Solution at NASSCOM
Planning the launch of your product is one of the important ways to reduce your development costs. Since it allows you to prioritize features, focusing on the critical ones that provide the best value. Looking into the Product Strategy at the beginning is a solid foundation for any startup. Yes, you need to validate your idea,…
Mixpanel Integration with Ionic 2 App
Angular 2 has been released a few months ago and recent trends have been engaged with its OOPS relation. Now Ionic Framework version 2 documentation is updated with Angular 2 features for winning the race of cross platform app development. One of my fellow developers asked me that how mixpanel is integrated with Ionic 2 in…
How Startupreneurs Can Launch Smarter And Quicker MVP To Make The Difference?
Startup ideas backfire because they fail to develop a mobile app that targets market needs! Well, this can be either due to simple execution or spending too much time in ‘perfecting’ their app features. Jumping into the venture without proper implementation of MVP or Minimum Viable Product is the major mistake a startup can make!…